Monday, December 15, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday...

So, I decided since I haven't done an online journal in a looong time that I would start one again. Thanks Ethan, for giving me the idea. And Laurel if you're reading this, how freakin' CUTE is your blog?!

I just want to say how sooo thankful I am for my church, NewSpring and my homegroup girls. God knew exactly what He was doing when He placed me with these girls. I am growing so much in my walk. It's amazing the little things God is teaching me right now...he definitely has a sense of humor! :)

Almost done reading Perry Noble's (my pastor) book, Blue Prints. It is awesome!! I recommend it to anyone who wants Biblical advice on how to have/build a Godly relationship with someone of the opposite sex. The next book I'm gonna start is John Eldredge's Walking With God. A friend highly recommended it to me the other night, and I have actually been wanting to read it for quite some time now.

Excited about Bible study tonight and Katie sharing this week. Our group is getting so close and I keep praying that we will grow even closer and most importantly, all closer to God as a group. I definitely see BIG things God is gonna do with us!

More later...gotta get ready for tonight!!

1 comment:

  1. So true! We were so blessed to be a part of that and I am so thankful for the reminder! God is so good, and we certainly don't deserve it! Hope you're having a great week, see you Sunday!
